Tuesday 28 September 2010

Fisher Price iXL vs Vtech VReader

The battle for e-readers has finally begun in 2010. There are two main contestants: Fisher Price's iXL vs the Vtech Vreader. Which one will win the hearts of American kids and parents? Well, to decide is not easy, not easy at all my friends.

I can't really talk about disadvantages, I can only see advantages for each gizmo. Let us compare the two:

Fisher Price iXL:
- Costs about $70 (on Amazon.com I mean)
- It's not just a plain digital reader. It has 6 different activities: it's a digital reader, photo viewer (you can upload photos from a camera or computer), an mp3 player, art studio (you can draw stuff with the included pencil), notepad (kids are being taught by the iXL how to write letters and stuff), and a fun game player.
- Equipped with a rather large touch screen
- It is a little bit of everything

Vtech Vreader:
- It's cheaper than the iXL ($59)
- Has a touch screen
- It is only an e-reader, unlike the iXL who has multiple functions
- However, when it comes to animated stories, the VReader seems better – it has a lot of interesting reading features like pronouncing a word when it's touched and highlighting each word as it is read.

Both gadgets have a kid friendly design and they come in various colors (usually pink for girls and blue for boys). Both are made for kids between 3 and 7 years old. One thing I personally didn't like about the Fisher Price iXL is that the pencil it comes with is rather pointy and I think it's better you don't let kids play with the pencil without supervision.

It's a tough choice you know... As I said, both readers have their advantages. I wanted to get one for my kid, but I couldn't decide which, so I drew straws.

P.S: I have a more thorough review of the Fisher Price ixl on my website. The review for the V Reader will be coming soon.